Welcome to the Putnam County Museum

The Putnam County Museum maintains a collection of artifacts, including cultural treasures, artistic creations and ephemera, that encompasses the history of Putnam County and its residents since its establishment more than 200 years ago.
Our quarterly, The Arch, is published and distributed to members, schools, libraries, etc. Published articles may be stories, remembrances, research
discoveries, and interviews. Illustrations include photography, artwork,
scanned objects and reprinted materials from past newspapers. Among topics
covered are historic and current events, famous and noteworthy residents,
celebrations, agriculture, nature, businesses and products made in Putnam
The Arch is an accessible vehicle for writers to highlight their interests in
Putnam County and share work with others who are interested in the cultural
and natural history of the county.
Writers can come from all walks of life. Teachers, students, artists, business
owners, farmers, and indeed, all residents of Putnam County are welcome and
encouraged to submit articles.
➢ Every submission will be considered for publication.
➢ Submissions chosen for publication will be professionally edited.
➢ Submissions accompanied by sources used for writing and images are
encouraged, but not required.
➢ Submissions are usually Google or Word documents. The length is your
choice: Longer works, transcriptions of letters or journal entries can be
Submit your work to:
Kathy Shigeta, Publications Editor
Putnam County Museum
1105 North Jackson Street
Greencastle, Indiana 46135